From what age can children can use Rospina BiteStop Lotion?
It is recommended to use BiteStop Lotion for children over four years.
Rospina BiteStop Lotion creates a layer like nail polish on the nails?
Rospina BiteStop Lotion is a herbal lotion that absorbs nails and creates no layers on the nails.
Does Respina BiteStop Lotion prevents nail biting habits ?
The unique feature of Rospina nail biting solution in addition to preventing nail biting habit, enhancing growth and healing of damaged nails, as well as disinfecting chewing nails.
Does Rospina BiteStop Lotion cause anorexia?
Rospina BiteStop Lotion while treating nail biting habit, the bitterness on the nails is eliminated by washing with soap and water so as not to cause anorexia.
How long should you use Rospina BiteStop Lotion to quit the nail-biting habit?
It is usually used for a period of two months to completely eliminate the nail biting .
How to use Rospina BiteStop Lotion?
Apply a small amount of the solution on each nail with a brush and allow the solution to be absorbed. It does not lose its effect when not washed.
Do I need to wash my hands and nails with water before taking Rospina BiteStop Lotion?
No, Rospina BiteStop Lotion because of its antibacterial properties, in addition to preventing the chewing habit, disinfect nails.